Issue Subject Info Internal
COMMBUG-446 🇩🇪 Oger Metatyp auf Deutsch existiert nicht mehr COM6-794
In the creation assistant, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-445 🇺🇸 When I try to export the character it gives me an error and will not export. I also cannot find the Technomancer's living persona anywhere. Gear,PDFCharsheet
In career mode, No Rules
COMMBUG-443 🇺🇸 Updater unable to start application if network is unavailable
COMMBUG-441 🇩🇪 Waffeneinbauten werden nicht berechnet Career,Gear
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-440 🇩🇪 Charaktererschaffung - Gegenstände mit Varianten können nicht hinzugefügt werden
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-439 🇺🇸 Cannot update Favors on existing contact Contacts,UI
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-437 🇩🇪 "bulk modification" BS S. 44 fehlt als Option Gear COM6-782
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-436 🇩🇪 Der Nachteil “Emotion Leak” Bodyshop S. 169 fehlt in Commlink. Qualities COM6-795
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-435 🇩🇪 Der Nachteil “stolen gear” funktioniert nicht richtig. Qualities
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-430 🇩🇪 Selbstdefinierte Farben Export / Bilder Ausrüstung
In creation mode, after reopening a saved character,
COMMBUG-428 🇺🇸 Qi foci do not work (1.7.2) Career
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-427 🇺🇸 Doesn't work at all Android
COMMBUG-426 🇩🇪 Regelwerke auswahl aktiviert anderer Regelwerke als die auswählbar sind
In the creation assistant, No Rules
COMMBUG-423 🇩🇪 Oni erhält keine Waffen Career
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-422 🇩🇪 Nissan Oni - Fahrzeugmontierte Waffe beim Kauf in Charaktererstellung
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-421 🇺🇸 can not buy foci
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-419 🇺🇸 "Mentor Spririt" adds an uneditable, unreplaceable, undeletable "Boosted Attribute" adept power AdeptPowers,MentorSpirit
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-418 🇩🇪 Display "Magic or Resonance" after going back from the modus in the assistent
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-417 🇺🇸 Essence holes/Transhumanism not working Career
In career mode, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-416 🇺🇸 PACKs price PACKs
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-415 🇺🇸 Foundry Export not possible. I assume due to many knowledge/language skills. FoundryJSON
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-413 🇺🇸 Can't switch language Android
COMMBUG-411 🇩🇪 Prices Equipment (contact lenses & ear plug) are wrong COM6-796
In creation mode, after reopening a saved character, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-410 🇩🇪 Problems with slots of improvments of items Gear
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-409 🇩🇪 Magic Value is wrong for the astral calculation Attributes
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-408 🇺🇸 Shiva Arms weird behavior Gear
Anytime, Point Buy
COMMBUG-407 🇩🇪 [1.7.1] Character vor 1.7.1 lassen sich nicht mehr ändern und speichern COM6-757
In creation mode, after reopening a saved character, Point Buy
COMMBUG-406 🇩🇪 Mehrere PACKs sind zu teuer PACKs
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-405 🇺🇸 Matrix accessories dont appear to do anything Career
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-404 🇺🇸 Lifestyle costs and editing dont appear to work as expected Career
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-402 🇺🇸 Weapon foci effect not correctly applied to weapon Foci
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-401 🇺🇸 Effects of abilities outside of the base weapon not being applied as expected when exporting character
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-400 🇺🇸 integrated smartlinks not showing on character sheet
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-399 🇺🇸 securetech invisishield cumulative quality not working as expected
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-397 🇺🇸 PACKs do not affect essence. Chargen,PACKs COM6-758
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-396 🇺🇸 Cyberskull causes export erroe Gear
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-395 🇺🇸 When I click on "About", the program hangs and doesn't respond. UI
COMMBUG-391 🇩🇪 Autosofts für Riggerkontrolle teilweise nicht auswählbar
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-390 🇩🇪 Programmslots der Riggerkontrolle nicht variabel
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-389 🇺🇸 Massive Network and Candle in the Dark not affecting Contact points
In the creation assistant, Lifepath
COMMBUG-387 🇺🇸 Exceptional Attribute Quality, Major Bug COMMBUG-214
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-386 🇺🇸 Problem with the ammunition and the info text "no ammunition for weapon x"
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-383 🇩🇪 Anzeige Emotionale Pfade nicht lesbar aufgrund zu kleiner Textfelder QualityPaths,UI
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-380 🇩🇪 Magiestufe nicht korrekt => Falsche Werte
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-377 🇺🇸 Weapon Stats not showing on Modify Weapon Menu UI
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Point Buy
COMMBUG-376 🇺🇸 Free knowledge points missing Chargen
In the creation assistant, Point Buy
COMMBUG-375 🇺🇸 Problem with android Android
COMMBUG-373 🇩🇪 Fehlende Beschreibung "Connection bearbeiten" Contacts,UI
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-372 🇩🇪 Nachträgliches Hinzufügen von Lizenzen klappt nicht Gear
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-371 🇩🇪 Anzeigefehler im Punkt Ausrüstung in Verbindung mit Nachteil Verschuldet UI COM6-739
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-370 🇩🇪 Bei Sprachen keine Stufe auswählbar Language,Skills COM6-514
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-369 🇩🇪 Bei Verteilung Fertigkeiten bleibt ein Punkt stehen Chargen,UI
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-368 🇩🇪 Nach Auswahl Magie/Resonanz wird das ausgewählte nicht bei Auswahl Vorteile/Nachteile angezeigt UI
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-365 🇩🇪 Bei Charaktererschaffung und dem Punkt Rituale/Zauber gibt es kein Suchfeld UI
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-364 🇺🇸 adding Melee Hardening as Mod to weapon, doubles the weapon Gear,UI
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-363 🇺🇸 cost to raise language to level 2-4 higher than 3Karma Career,Language
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-362 🇺🇸 Character creation "Scholastic Mage" how to select Knowledge Skills/Languages for 1000Nuyen per Point?
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-361 🇩🇪 CP werden nicht verbraucht
In the creation assistant, Point Buy
COMMBUG-357 🇩🇪 [1.6] Waffenfokus funktioniert nicht Foci
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-354 🇩🇪 [1.6] Magazine zu Waffen zuzubuchen ist extrem umständlich
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-349 🇺🇸 Gas Grenades incorrect chemical selections
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-347 🇩🇪 Erstellungsdaten gehen Teilweise beim vor und zurückspringen in der Erschaffung verloren Chargen
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-346 🇩🇪 Falsche Berechnung von Fahrzeugfertigkeiten Career
In career mode,
COMMBUG-345 🇺🇸 Cyberlimbs and -weapons from BS are missing
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-343 🇩🇪 Bodytech Cyberohr Optionen aus Bodytech 2082 fehlen. Gear
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-342 🇩🇪 Dermalpanzerung, Grey Manapanzerung, Maßgeschneiderte Cybergliedmaße Gear
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-336 🇩🇪 Würfelpools mit Drohnen sind falsch
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-333 🇺🇸 A second Cyberarm will be counted as penalty, doubles the dice pool and does not add the +1 willpower
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-332 🇺🇸 Transporter PACK has extra entries PACKs
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-331 🇺🇸 Transporter PACK and Starter Pack charge more than expected PACKs
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-330 🇺🇸 Gear Acquisition Syndrome Karma cost should be 5/level vice 6/level Qualities
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-323 🇺🇸 Android App - Version 1.2.3 last which worked Android
COMMBUG-321 🇺🇸 I cannot save connections CharacterScreen,Contacts
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-320 🇩🇪 Rigger Programme und Autosofts stehen auf dem PDF nur auf dem Matrix Bogen, nicht bei der Riggerkonsole KarmaCharGen
Anytime, Karma
COMMBUG-314 🇩🇪 Keine Auswahl für Panzerung / Drohne KarmaCharGen
In creation mode, after reopening a saved character, Karma
COMMBUG-309 🇩🇪 Char lässt sich nicht mehr weiter bearbeiten
In the creation assistant, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-305 🇩🇪 Cybercit (Agentenbox) hinzufügen funktioniert nicht richtig KarmaCharGen
In the creation assistant, Karma
COMMBUG-304 🇺🇸 Weird translation error
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant,
COMMBUG-302 🇺🇸 Black screen / unresponsive - Android 14 Android COMMBUG-315,COMMBUG-323,COMMBUG-375,COMMBUG-427
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-299 🇺🇸 can not create an account
COMMBUG-297 🇩🇪 Fehlender Umbruch in Ausrüstungsbox
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-296 🇩🇪 Magisches Resilienztraining Vorteil funktioniert nicht
Anytime, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-295 🇩🇪 Tabs nicht mehr anwählbar bei Ultra-Wide Auflösung UI
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-294 🇩🇪 (Konto - Freigeschaltet) enthält irreführende Informationen
COMMBUG-292 🇩🇪 Fehler bei der Registrierung für Eden
COMMBUG-288 🇺🇸 AI Metatype Quality Problems Qualities
COMMBUG-284 🇺🇸 Four issues in character creation
In creation mode, after reopening a saved character, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-282 🇺🇸 Missing internal silencer for Ares Light Fire 75
Anytime, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-277 🇺🇸 Implanted Firearm size categories should include appropriate Exotic weapons
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, No Rules
COMMBUG-276 🇺🇸 Included accessories consume capacity Gear
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, It happens for all creation rules
COMMBUG-275 🇺🇸 Martial Arts: Barrel Strike (Body Shop) missing Career
In career mode, No Rules
COMMBUG-274 🇺🇸 Further issues with "Pay gear in career mode" Career
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-272 🇺🇸 Prices for items with variable amount aren't calculated correctly Career,Gear
In career mode, Priority / Sum2Ten
COMMBUG-269 🇺🇸 Point Buy reallocates build points instead of using Karma PointBuy
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Point Buy
COMMBUG-267 🇩🇪 Foundry Export Buggy FoundryJSON COM6-668
COMMBUG-264 🇩🇪 Nichtberücksichtigung von Smartgun Gear,KarmaCharGen
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Karma
COMMBUG-263 🇩🇪 Dropdown bei Ersatzmagazin KarmaCharGen
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Karma
COMMBUG-262 🇩🇪 Fehlerhafte Berechnung: Armbrustbolzen Steel Falcon KarmaCharGen
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Karma
COMMBUG-261 🇩🇪 Entfernung von Waffenmods nicht möglich KarmaCharGen
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Karma
COMMBUG-260 🇩🇪 Reflexrekorder fehlt KarmaCharGen
In creation mode, after leaving the assistant, Karma